Barton Pond
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Barton Pond Overview
Top Techniques Reported for Common Carp + Spring
Largemouth Bass1 Report
Recent and Trending Baits
Fishing Reports
2 Reports on Barton PondSort by
Common Carp
Drop Shot
Rock Pile
This is a non-ordinary report from me, but I figured it may help someone out here! Slaying carp is a breeze when using boilies. The recipe I use is: Breadcrumbs, jello mix, 1-2 eggs, flour, and some corn. Combine and roll into small balls then boil for a couple minutes. You can form these on circle hook, or put them on a hair rig. I also recommend tying a weight on to keep the bait in one place, but this is not always needed. I have found the best time to fish carp is at sundown and even into the darkness of the night. This bait has worked all fishing season for me, between the spring and the fall. Overall, while I primarily bass fish, getting a nice 30 inch carp on the line is a nice shakeup for freshwater fishing.
Top Fishing Techniques
for Common Carp + SpringChoose from techniques based on Barton Pond fishing reports.