Z-Man Chatterspike Breakdown | Seth Feider
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The new straight-tail chatterbait trailer from Z-Man is here! Seth already caught a bunch on this new bait profile.
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Z-Man Chatterspike
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Z-Man Chatterspike
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Video Transcription
What's up guys, Seth Feider here, and we just got in the brand new Chatterspike from Z-Man. This is designed as a chatterbait trailer. It's a streamline pencil tail, but it's got a few little segments on the back, so it's gonna, I don't really like a boot tail on the back of my chatter bait, so I like a straight tail trailer. You get enough action from the vibrating of the jig that this is gonna put a lot of action on the back of that, plus with those little segments in there. It's kind of the perfect subtle action on the back of a chatterbait trailer, but we got them in a bunch of good colors. They're that ElaZtech material, so you know you can put a couple of these will last you all day long on the back of a chatterbait. You're not going through trailers all the time. Super durable, and just the right amount of action on the back of a chatterbait, and we got them in a bunch of really good colors. (piano music)