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Mastering the FG and Modified Albright Knot with Seth Feider

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    Video Transcript:

    I'm going to tie up an FG-Knot. Hands down in my opinion, the best braid to fluorocarbon knot. It is a bit complex, takes a bit of time to tie. But for flipping scenarios, a lot of spinning rod stuff, it's the only thing I'm going to mess with. But this is it. I take my rod, wrap my line around it, and then put it there somewhere I can pull on a tight or see that real handle's hitting the deck. You want to be able to keep a set amount of tension in this main line. I hold it with my teeth, guys tie it a couple different ways, but this is what works for me. You usually try to leave my old FG on there, so you get something to grab a hold of with your teeth. Clamp that in there, and then you start with the floral carbon over the top of the braid. And then it's just 20 back and forth wraps after that, down around that side, background this side 20 times. Okay, so we have 20 wraps in there, then I'll take a pinch of that knot with my fingers. You can do more or less wraps. Sometimes if you use really slick thin braid, you gotta do more wraps like 30, but everything I use 20 wraps works just fine with it. I'm gonna take my tag on my braid, do a half hitch over the main line braid and the tag of the floral. Pull that down. It's not pretty well done at that point. I do a few extra steps just to make it like a hundred percent fail proof, but essentially you got an FG knot right there. You can clip it off and fish it if you pull on it tight, but what I do, I take my floral tag and I'll put an overhand knot in there, and this is just an absolute fail safe. You'll never have a FG come loose if you do this. And I probably don't need to do it anymore. It was more important when I started tying FGs 'cause most of them weren't perfect, but now you got the hang of it pretty good, so I'll put an overhand, basically a stopper in that floral. Now I'm gonna take both ends and pull on it really hard to cinch that down. If you get that knot close enough when you tie it, it should just pull right into it like that one did. It's pretty well buttered up against the first half hitch we got in there. And then we do three half hitches over the main braid and the tag floral again, just to kinda keep that knot from wanting to pop out the side. Three half hitches, take my fingernails and slide that down tight on that knot. And then I'm coming here, I'm gonna cut this as clean as possible. It's tight to that knot as I can without getting my braid. And then I finish it with two half hitches over the top of that. Now this is all pretty well extra stuff after that first half hitch, but it makes it fail safe and holds the knot together a lot better. And then this part I do, I'll trim this braid fairly short and then keep all those half hitches from coming loose. I'll take a lighter and pinch my main line and then to my knot real tight so that my flame can't burn it. Just use a low part of the lighter and ease it and then cinch all that tag in down. Now none of those half hitches will come loose. It's pretty well glued on there. You just gotta be careful, you don't get your main line. I always make sure, pull on it really good. Make sure I didn't rip my main line with the lighter. But if you use a low part of the lighter, the blue part of the lighter, it doesn't burn real hot. And you'll a little more control with it than be sure to use the top of the flame. But that's it, that's an FG knot, 20 wraps, overhand knot in the floor row and then essentially five half hitches above that and lock down, not gonna go anywhere. Strongest can be, I don't really ever recall breaking the FG. You'll break your leader somewhere if you got a nick and enter down at your bait, but I don't really ever see these fail, but that's how I tie an FG knot. It's more than you gotta do, but in my head, that's just fail safe. I'm not gonna ever have an issue with that knot. All right, if you cannot tie an FG knot, which I don't blame, it took me a long time to learn. This is the next best option. This is a modified all-bright. Basically start with your mono, floral carbon, whatever you wanna use. Double it over, pinch it to make a loop, take your braid. Push it through the loop, pull out six, seven inches. Gotta keep everything kinda tight here, but you're basically gonna make six wraps down the braid. Pinch there, and then you're just gonna do six wraps back up the braid. And I try to lay them in between the wraps, I've already made just to make for a little tight or not, but I don't know if it really much matters. And this is the most important part. I don't know if you can see that. See how my braid came from the top, and it's going out the bottom, you need to go the same way. So my main line braid is over the top of this loop, going back out the bottom. I need to make sure my braid comes back through that way. And then I wet it and kinda wiggle everything into place with my tongue. This is the other thing that gets people, but hold both of your lines on your mono or floral, and then only pull on your main braid. Leave that braid tag loose, and it'll tighten up a lot better for you and get you a lot more consistent, not. And then this knot, I don't do much else, but trimming it off, you do it on your own. Trimming off, you do want to try to get your, the braid don't much matter because it's soft. The floral or mono you want to try to get this as close as you can. This is a reason, usually I won't reel this line, this knot into my reel. I'll leave it in the rod, but right here you gotta get that, and it really doesn't much matter, but I try to get this tight as I can, but either way, there's still, I always gonna be a little point there, and that'll catch on your line, or catch on your braid. So this reel, I do not, I don't recommend running it through the guides. I'll tie this in a pinch for spinning around stuff, if it's windy and wavy and an FG's, getting difficult to tie. It's a really quick knot, I can tie it really quick, but I do also tie it on my top waters. I'll run a real short mono liter, this one's a little longer than a normally tie, but you know, somewhere in that, it just basically needs to be longer than whatever top water you're throwing. So, six, eight inch liter mono filament. I'll tie it on there, just 'cause I'm not setting up crazy hard, I'm not pulling on the fish, I already got a trouble hook bait. So I'll tie it for this, and just a quick easy knot, it's really fairly strong, not quite as strong as an FG knot, but a super easy to tie, really easy to learn, and pretty strong, just don't reel it into your reel. Keep it shorter with that, we're with an FG, you can get by a fault longer, a little bit more, but really easy, high quality knot, tie it really quick, no matter, it's windy, rainy, wavy, whatever it may be, super easy to do. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (pump)
