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Bending Texas Rig Rods + GIVEAWAY!!

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GIVEAWAY TIME! As a thank you to all of you that watch our videos and support our channel, we're giving away a brand new rod! We're also bending some killer Texas rig rods. Head over to our YouTube channel to enter!

What's up everybody? Kip here with Omni-Efficient and today we have a pretty exciting rod bending for you. Not only are we talking about one of my favorite techniques at being the Texas rig, we are also doing another giveaway. A couple of months ago we gave away a $250 gift card to a lucky subscriber. And today we are actually giving away a rod. You've been looking at it this whole time. We're giving away this Dioa Zillion. This is a 7'2 heavy power fast action. The Zillion line has been pretty popular for us. The reels have obviously done amazing. And last time we did one of these giveaways, we had a subscriber goal in mind. This time around we're not going to do that. We're going to let this run for about three weeks. So three weeks from today we will announce the winner of this Zillion. All you have to do to enter to win this exact rod is to like this video, leave a comment on this video and of course subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you do those three things, you will be entered to win this rod. I'm not sure if there's going to be any accounts in the comments trying to scam you. But we will never ask for your credit card information. We're only going to announce this three weeks from today. So please do not give anybody your credit card information. But with that being said, let's get into the specs of this Dioa Zillion that you could win. It came in at 4.8 ounces. Like I said, it's a 7 foot 2 heavy power fast action. It's rated from 3/8 of an ounce to an ounce and a half. Pretty wide range and it's your stereotypical Texas rig specs. The Zillion's I don't have any personal experience with yet, but I've used a ton of other dialer rods and this falls in that jig Texas rig category for sure, maybe even a frog. But cool line from dialer. They've got the carbon handle, cork split grip, and the air sensor real seat. Super comfortable rod. So let's bring this Dioa Zillion to the rod wall again, 7'2 heavy fast action. All right, here we are on the wall with that Dioa Zillion, 7'2 heavy fast action and giving it a little bit of pressure. Definitely a fast action. And if you give it a ton of pressure, still pretty fast. The one thing I have noticed with these Zillion rods, again, just from playing with them around the office, I haven't had any actual fishing experience with them, is they feel a little bit softer than the same model in a different family from dialer. For example, like they make a 7'2 heavy power fast action rod in the Steeze lineup and it feels just a little bit, not stiffer, but faster, I would say. To me, the Zillions feel a tad more moderate. This is definitely not a moderate rod, but it's hard to convey what I'm feeling . It's definitely a little bit slower than the same model in other families, if that makes sense from Dioa. But with that being said, I like that for a lot of techniques and a jig or a Texas rig is definitely one of them. So really cool rod from Dioa in the Zillion line. Again, if you want a chance to win this, leave a like, leave a comment, and subscribe to the channel. We'll announce it in three weeks. Moving on to the second rod in this week's rod bend, we've got another rod from a family that I'm not super familiar with. This is the Dobbins Caden. It's their 745C. I've set it in our jig rod bending video. Not super familiar with Dobbins. It's definitely a brand of that I just haven't used in the past, but I'm kind of getting the understanding of what they're all about, just in hand. So it came in at 5.6 ounces, which is by no means a super light rod. But Dobbins for sure focuses more on balance than anything. And to me, balance equals sensitivity. So definitely counterbalance. It feels really good in hand for a, I think it's a $180 rod. It feels awesome. It's rated from quarter ounce to ounce and a half, even wider range than that Z illion we are looking at. But they're calling it their jig, frog, pitch in, small swimbit rod. And by the feel of it, I can see if we're working for all of those things. So the Dobbins Caden 745C, it's a mag heavy fast action. Let's take it to the wall. All right, here we are with that Dobbins Caden 745C, mag heavy fast action, and giving it a little bit of pressure. Again, definitely a fast action. What I'm impressed with about these Dobbins rods, even in the ecstasy that we 've been a couple of weeks ago, they've got pretty soft tips. Even though this is a mag heavy, a five power, again, a five power is different for every manufacturer, but a mag heavy to me, this feels really versatile. I think they nailed it on the head with what they're recommending for this rod, jigs, pitch in, frogs, swimbaits. It seems like it can do all of that. Whether you're a big floral guy or a braid delir or a straight braid, even, I wouldn't shy away from throwing up to three quarter, maybe even ounce weights on Texas rig if you want. So if you're in the market for a big line, big bait rod, and you don't want to break the bank, for $180, this Dobbins Caden is really impressive. I'm a fan of these Dobbins rods. I might have to check one out in the future. It's tough to talk about bottom contact techniques without throwing in a loomis in there. Again, this is a family that I haven't thrown before. I have used several NRX rods, not this particular model, but one of our CSRs Chase, you've seen them in a couple of these videos. This model is one of his favorites for your lighter Texas rig, sparser vegetation style of rods. This is the G-Loomis GLX 893 JWR. Came in at 3.5 ounces, the 7 foot 5 rod, 3.5 ounces is of course nuts, and it's rated from 3.16 pounds to 5/8 ounce. Now this is on the lighter end of the spectrum of rods we've talked about this far, and we'll talk about in the future. But if you are throwing your 8-ounce to 1/2 ounce Texas rigs, I think this is going to be a killer option, especially if you're a braid-de-leader guy. That braid is going to give it a little bit more power, and I think it'd make a killer Texas rig rod. So without further ado, let's check this thing out, the G-Loomis GLX 893 JWR. Alright, we've got the Loomis GLX 893 JWR back on the wall here. One thing I forgot to mention is they label it an extra fast, and giving it a little bit of pressure here. Seems like an extra fast, but kind of leaning a little more towards fast, which is surprising for a Loomis rod. When you give it some power, it does seem like it is more of a fast action, at least from this angle. And I say it's surprising because the NRX rods that I've used in the past, if it's an extra fast, or if they label it an extra fast, it is an extra fast for sure. And to me this seems, maybe it's the length 7'5 rod being a little bit longer than the ones that I've used. But to me this feels a little bit more like a fast, which I think I've said it in the past, I'm a fan of extra fast rods that are great for detecting bites, sensitivity, not the best fish landing actions in the world. So I'm a fan of this rod. Again, it feels ridiculous in hand. If you're deciding between a GLX or an NRX, definitely don't shy away from these GLXs. I know some people aren't a fan of the recoil guides you get on the NRXs, especially if you're on braid to leader, it can hang up in those a little bit. These have your standard Fuji guides. So killer option here in the GLX line from Loomis, the 893 JWR. All right, next rod up for us this week is a family rod that is one of my favorites. I think it's right up there for best bang for your buck. That being the Mega Bass Levante, this is the perfect pitch. Comes in, it's a 7'2" 7" power, which I believe equates to a heavy in Mega Bass speak. And it came in at 5.7 ounces. Not the lightest rod in the world. It is 200 bucks, and I think it is balanced pretty well for that weight. It's rated from 3/8 pounds to 1.2 ounces. Kind of a weird rating there. But the Levante line has been through a few different iterations. Three, four years ago when this greenish model first came out, they're having some breakage issues. And those have been fixed without a doubt. I've owned a few of these, and they're rock solid. And for the price, 200 bucks, pretty tough to beat in the looks department. I think the green with the purple and just the attention to detail they put in these rods. These are good touch, looks aren't everything. It's about performance, but that's something you care about. These are definitely a winner. But let's go bend this thing. The Mega Bass Levante perfect pitch, 7'2" heavy fast action. Back on the wall with that Mega Bass Levante perfect pitch, and just giving it a little bit of power here. And a little bit of a wild action, at least with a little bit of pressure, it feels like it has a really soft tip. And then you're going to hit some serious backbone. I remember when Chris Aldane was still with Mega Bass, he liked the perfect pitch, I think he was using the Erochi. He liked the perfect pitch for a Magdraft and a Frog as well. And I could definitely see that. With a Magdraft, obviously it's got a treble hook underneath. And it has enough tip where you're not going to rip that treble hook away from those fish. Then you hit some serious backbone when you're obviously chasing a bigger bite at that point. I can see where this rod fit that scenario for him. But given it more pressure here, definitely hit some backbone. It's all of a fast action. In fact, it's a pretty sharp break there. I'm not ready to call it an extra fast, but the transition from where it wants to bend to your backbone is pretty quick. One thing I like about these Levante rods, and actually the older Ochi had it too, the real seat, it's a pretty minimalistic trigger there. And it's also pushed back a little bit. I've always been a fan of putting all my fingers above the real trigger. This gives you plenty of room to do that. It also has just a painted section up to the first guide and then you're unfinished throughout the rest. I've said it again in the past, but kind of lightens up that tip section, makes it feel a little bit more alive. So if you're a Mega Bass junkie and you haven't checked out the Levante for some reason, definitely give it a look, the most affordable Mega Bass rod as of now. And definitely no slouch in the performance department. Again, this was the Levante, 7 foot 2 heavy, perfect pitch. Last rod for the week, another rod from Falcon. Seems like we've been adding more and more of these into these videos and found out there's a pretty big following in our subscribers for Falcon Rod. So we're going to bend another one. This is again a Falcon Cara. We've talked about the low rider and we featured an expert last week, but this is the 7 foot 3 extra heavy in our car. A mod fast, I believe. This is the Amistad extra heavy. They're calling it Amistad's been a really popular rod for Falcon and for us too. We sell out of them super quick. And this is just a little bit beefier version of that. It came in at 5.2 ounces and it's rated from 3/4 of an ounce to an ounce and a half. This is a no joke kind of rod. You mean business? This is Jason Christie's pitching rod. I was surprised. I've watched some videos about him talking about this. I was surprised about how low and weight he goes on this. I mean, he's not punching with this rod. It's an everyday flipping stick for him, but if you're familiar with Jason Christie or if you're familiar with the way he likes to fish, he's a big line man, 22 pound test, 25 pound test. And he's not messing around when he sets the hook. He's all business. So, not surprised that this is a type of rod that he likes. But again, one that I haven't been before. So let's see what it's like. The 7.3 extra heavy mod fast Falcon Amistad extra heavy. Alright, wrapping it up with this Falcon Cara Amistad extra heavy. And man, this thing is no joke. Just giving it a little pressure like usual. Not much pen there. It tends to be expected, but once you give it more power, it doesn't want to load. But man, if you are a big floral guy, this is your rod. It's super stout. But if you want a shorter rod for punching, it's going to absolutely fit the bill. Maybe you got a shorter bolt. You can't fit a 7.6 to 8 foot rod in your rod locker. This coming in at 7.3 can definitely get the job done. This is one of those scenarios where I'm not going to list off a bunch of techniques that this is going to excel at. I think it's pretty pigeonholed into flipping big jigs, big weights, punching and thick cover, thick vegetation. That is where this rod is going to shine. But I mean, if you've got a Jason Christie mindset and you are not messing around, the Falcon Cara Amistad extra heavy is definitely a rod you want to take a look at. Alright, that is going to do it for this week. If you want a chance to win this Diwazillion 7.2 heavy fast action, come in at like 330 bucks. Be sure to like this video, drop a comment in the comment section below and make sure to your subscribe to the channel. If you're already subscribed, you're one step ahead, just leave a like, drop a comment, you're entered. Again, we're going to be running this giveaway for three weeks, three weeks from today and that week's rod bending will announce the winner. And again, please do not give anybody your credit card information. Not sure if they'll be in the comments, but if they are, we will never ask you for that kind of stuff. So thank you guys so much for tuning in. Bass fishing is right around the corner for us in the North Country, if you're down south, already fishing. Hope you're out there catching them. But enjoy the rest of your weekend and we will catch you next week back at the Rodwell. (upbeat music)