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Seth's Recap of the Sabine River with T Lo

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As the Bassmaster Elite series takes a break, T Lo sits down with Seth to recap how the Sabine River tournament went.

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(00:00) hey guys this is T Lo with Omnia Fishing I'm here with Seth Feider in the studio we're going to go over uh Sabine River and the Bassmaster Elite Series event that was just there talked to Seth a little bit about how that tournament went for him uh his practice as well as uh you know the actual event so uh Seth just break it down for us real quick you know what were some of the features of Sabine how does how does that place set up in terms of a cover and structure and what were you looking for uh well it's there's really a lot going
(00:28) on there just because you have so many different Rivers you can fish um looking back when the tournament was over there was really only two rivers that played but um you know we had at least five or six into options and they all really vary a lot and how they're set up um I ended up fishing Taylors which is a really natural looking River it's a lot of Bank grass and um you know some pads and um I don't know the right word for a kind of water willow-ish stuff but it wasn't some of the other rivers like the Sabine
(01:03) um the area that the guys caught him in there was like real industrial you know it's sea walls and docks and metal things in the water lay downs things of that nature um those ended up being the two that played but um each River you go UPS kind of got its own little feel and um a little different um nuances to each one of them but uh I ended up fishing in Taylor's and that was all just pretty much natural Banks tall cane on the bank um with little clumps of pads and then I don't know what it was but it's kind of
(01:35) this viney green grass that grew off the bank it's kind of like water Willow but it wasn't yeah cool um talk a little bit about how practice went for you uh what made you pick Taylor's over that other industrial River looking system yeah I actually never even practiced in the Sabine um first day of practice I was in the NHS and I had a decent practice where I caught some Keepers and stuff and it's kind of planning on fishing there in the tournament I went to Taylor's and um saw a couple two Pounders which doesn't
(02:08) sound like much but uh you know those are difference makers there and so I kind of ended up focusing on I I feel like I get more bites in the natures but I didn't see they're all you know 13-inch fish and I never saw a two pounder I didn't know I would I didn't think I was going to get as many bites and tailors as I ended up getting but uh like I said I saw a couple two Pounders in there so that uh kind of locked me into that area so uh with your practice um and going into Taylor's and and what
(02:39) do you would you call the other place uh Natures Nature's um did did what you find in practice did that translate into what happened in the tournament for you uh yeah I mean the fish they didn't exactly stay put but the pattern held um I kind of just had to fish in there it wasn't I mean there was specific little stretches they got on but they were different every day and I kind of just put my trolling motor down in there and kind of focused on a I don't know maybe Five Mile Stretch or whatever just fishing up and down both
(03:09) sides on the banks but the fish were really shallow they were on the bank in that little vegetation there was everything was main river there's a lot of oxbows and backwaters in that area but going there in June I felt like the fish wanted to be out in the main river so that's where I focused my efforts and you know just really didn't do a lot of running around once I got there just put the trolling motor down and I'd fish for you know a couple two three miles just going down the bank and getting a bite here and
(03:36) there and like I said there are little stretch as you'd go you know half a mile without a bite and then you'd catch three or four and you know 30 40 yards sure cool um going to uh Bates what did you uh what did you end up using in the tournament what worked for you and uh maybe you know what what did you have as a backup plan for uh for other baits that you know kind of a one-two punch rather than if you were just focusing on one thing yeah um I kind of kept it was one Rod Todd this tournament I I had
(04:05) multiple baits on the deck and messed around so I was like I did catch a couple on a Buzz bait I threw a frog around quite a bit and I read a bite on that which is real surprising with how shallow they were and what they were in but um yeah I ended up catching them I think every fish I weighed flipping a small jig it's a 3/8 oz Outkast tackle stealth feider black and blue with a um goat z-man trailer on there just something real Compact and small um and I went to The Jig to actually Target bigger fish I mean what majority of the
(04:40) bites I was getting were 10 to 13 inch fish and it seemed like when I flipped a jig I got more of those I know it sounds ridiculous but those 14 15 inch fish which are you know the difference between getting paid and not I mean um so that's kind of why I went with that and um just tried to fish for those a few two Pounders every day bigger bites yeah for at least at least for that body of water um going into that event obviously you know the bites were tough catching a lot of small fish what did you think it was
(05:15) going to take to you know make the cut and uh what did you think you would have needed to you know potentially win that event and with the with the final winning weight did that surprise you with it being low or being high no I'd say the winning weights right on I mean it's pretty much every time we go there somewhere between nine and ten pounds a day you make the top ten and then you know that old 10 to 12 pound range a day you win usually it's somebody I'll catch a big bag on day of 15 16 pound bag and just kind of ride it
(05:50) out and end up winning the event but as far as checks cashing goes I figure take about six pounds a day to get paid um because even a lemon adjust key like the 12 inches there don't weigh a pound they're like three quarters of a pound Maybe a little more but it'll limit just the limit of those was not going to get you paid um you had to find like I said some better you know a pound and a half it was a really good fish yeah do you uh do you like these kind of derbies or do you rather would you rather have like a
(06:18) slugfest I I do like them I don't I don't I wouldn't want the whole year to be like that but it's it's nice to mix it up a little bit and I I enjoy River fishing like that you know it's back to Old School fishing you know got a bunch of guys staring at live scope it was just a a dirty River Bank beating tournament you know um and I I enjoy those cool Seth thanks for uh being a part of this yeah thanks for having me going over it thank you
