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The BEST Minnow Shaking Rod At Every Price!

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It's no secret that forward-facing sonar has taken over bass fishing the past couple of years. If you're looking for a new rod to step up your FFS game, this is the video for you. We're showcasing the best mid-strolling rod for ANY budget!

What's going on out there? Kip here with Omniafishing and today we're back with yet another rod bending and this one's pretty cool. We in our last rod bending video a viewer left a comment asking for minoshaking rods but specifically from budget all the way to the best money can get. So that's exactly what we're doing. We're starting around $100 and we're going to go up $100 for five rods. So $100 ish, $200 ish, $300, $400 and then the best money can buy. But we're starting with a rod that unfortunately you've already seen a couple weeks ago we did best budget rods and picked this exact rod a Sankroid Bass X 6/8 medium extra fast and in that video I said that it would be an awesome budget minoshaking rod and that hasn't changed. So for our $100 rod, under our ish rod, we're going with the Sankroid Bass X 6/8 medium extra fast came in at 3.5 ounces for a $100 rod. That's pretty light. You're not going to see much lighter than the rest of this video either. But the Bass X line has been much more popular than the previous version made some big improvements to the guide train yada yada yada. But this would be a sweet minoshaking rod. Let's take it to the rod wall check out the action. All right here we are at that Sankroid Bass X 6/8 medium extra fast. I bent this one a couple weeks ago so no surprises here but it does have that super light tip all the way at the end of the rod and then when you load it up you do get into some backbone. This is a rod that I think would work well for most mino sizes out there. I'd say you go all the way down to you know three inch up to six seven inch minos if you want. Depending on the way to the jig head. But this is like your do-all minoshaking rod. 6/8 medium extra fast is just in my opinion perfect power action to do just a little bit of everything. So if you're on a budget and you're looking for one rod to handle most of your forward-facing sonar techniques the Sankroid Bass X 6/8 medium extra fast is a great choice a wind sleep on these rods for 130 bucks. All right next up is a cool one from Evergreen. This is in their combat stick series $200 rod flat $199.99 and this is the 610 medium extra fast. This is labeled as their gizmo/power finesse rod. If you've seen the gizmo it's a super interesting bait we sell them here but it's a very small kind of top water lure that you're going to need a spinning rod to throw. And this was perfect for that. It's got a really light tip with some backbone but before forward-facing sonar came to be as popular as it is now. This was the gizmo rod. Turns out it makes an awesome minoshaking rod as well so I had to switch the name from just the gizmo rod to gizmo power finesse. But really cool rod it's got a really soft tip on it and then it hits some serious backbone. So the 610 medium extra fast Evergreen combat stick came in at four ounces. It's a little bit on the heavy side but it does have some more meat on it. It's got quite a bit of power. So let's take it to the rod wall and check out this thing specs. All right back with the Evergreen combat stick 610 medium extra fast gizmo/power finesse rod and pretty cool action on it. Just imparting a little bit of power here just that tip section is flexing which is what you want when you're shaking a minnow you want just the tip to impart action on the on your presentation but then when you when you set the hook on a fish you want to get the backbone quick especially with your bigger minnows which is what I think this would shine at. Even though it's the same power rating as that same kroy I think it has a lot more backbone. This would excel for your five six seven eight inch minnows. It's got a ton of power like the name suggests and a really light tip so casting is not going to be an issue even with you know if you're throwing a lighter head with that minnow but some of those minnows can weigh up to closer an ounce. So those seven eight inch sakamada shads. Well they're heavy baits and I think this is a rod that would be able to handle those. The 610 medium extra fast combat stick from Evergreen cool option for your bigger minnows. For those of you have been looking for the perfect forward-facing sonar do all rod. You've probably come across this one in your search. This is the X-pride from Shimano. This one is the 610 medium heavy solid tip rod so that solid tip section creates almost like a dual action in this rod which is pretty cool but these have been extremely popular in industry and here at Omnia especially. They come in two models the 610 medium heavy which is what we got here and the 610 medium. The medium is probably the more versatile of the two and it's probably more popular of the two which is why we are sold out at the moment. So we're talking about the medium heavy no slouch of a rod here especially if you like throwing those bigger minnows. So the 610 medium heavy solid tip X-pride comes in at 3.2 ounces. Super lightweight for a 610 medium heavy rod and that's no surprise with these X-pride lines. Set it before, Pete set it in the past, then I should out of the park with these. So let's take it to the wall. 610 medium heavy solid tip X-pride. All right we're back with that 610 medium heavy solid tip X-pride and it's a little bit different than what I expected. I expected that solid tip to be super fast. You know a lot of the other solid tip rods in the market are extra extra fast but when you give this just a little bit of power the tip does dance on you a little bit but really when you load it up it has more of a moderate bend which is is cool because as as useful as a super extra fast rod is for shaking a minnow helping in part action it's not the best action for landing fish. So if you can find a rod that does both but that's when your your landing percentage is going to go through the roof and ultimately you know hope you catch more fish. But another cool feature about this rod or something that I've noticed is it's labeled as a medium heavy but this blank is super thin. So it does have quite a bit of power but I wouldn't be afraid to throw you know go all the way down to like a four inch minnow on this with a a-thounds head no problem maybe even lighter but this this rod could do just about everything again I think that 610 medium is the more popular one the one I can do maybe a little bit more but this one's right up there for sure nice light tip on it more of a moderate bend it's gonna land more fish for you really impressed with these x-prides especially the solid tips they're hard to find but if you've been looking for that 610 medium don't shy away from the 610 medium heavy it's it's right up there in in action and versatility so that's the 610 medium heavy solid tip x-pride onto the next rod okay our fourth rod in this minnow shake and series we've made it to the 400ish dollar category that x-pride was around 300 bucks this one comes in at 450ish dollars we cheated a little bit but this is a standout in that 400 to 500 dollar category and it's a little bit more technique specific that makes sense a technique inside of a technique then the rods we've talked about thus far this is a very light rod very specific to your very small almost Japanese style presentations for shaking a minnow this is the depth gain element it's a 6.5 light and what's different about this rod is they are not calling it an extra fast that is not the route they went this is a regular action so we've come to learn or the industry has told us that an extra fast action is what you want for shaking a minnow depth says no there's minnow shaking rods are a regular action you're gonna see that on the wall i can see it in hand here it is very different than the rods we've seen this far but that is what the the popular trend is over in japan and we're going to see what what it looks like against the the rods we've been so far so the depth gain element this is their light shaking element and it came in at 3.4 ounces 6.5 super short rod it is counterbalanced so it feels great but that does add to that weight a little bit so depth gain element let's take it to the wall all right we're back with that depth gain element 6.5 light regular bend they do make this in a 6.5 medium light as well that is probably the more versatile rod again and we're currently sold out but this is a very cool rod that's perfect for your ultra light type minnows our videographer Ethan was just telling me about a trip he went on with some anglers from evergreen and this is the style rod they use for their minnow shaking super light and super moderate and to be honest i don't see exactly how that correlates with shaking a minnow but i do see how it correlates with landing fish this is going to bow up right away as soon as you set the hook on a fish and the chances of them coming off are very low uh you know casting wise you're going to be able to cast a allure a mile and pretty accurate with such a soft bend to it the other thing to note about these gain elements is that they are two-piece rod they're jointed right at the handle here it's a very popular style of rod in japan almost all of them have a connection right at the handle and that really doesn't bother me too much the the blank itself is one piece the guides are all aligned so i really know hesitation there the depth gain element is a cool one if you're looking for a jdm style rod that has a more parabolic action to it um these depths gain element rods are not to be slept on the six five light regular or the six five medium light regular when getting back in cool rods from depths that four hundred and fifty dollar price point all right we're moving on to the spendiest rod of the video you don't care what the price is you want the best of the best we've got it here for you this is the diawastise ags six ten light they call it a fast action but i'm already tending to disagree with that we'll take it to the wall and check this one came in at three point three ounces so the x-pride is three point two ounces around three hundred bucks this one is a couple hundred dollars more three point three ounces both are ridiculous of light so i wouldn't think too much about that but these this does come with those those ags guides super lightweight super sensitive they're more brittle than than other guides we talked about it in the past but these things are awesome so it does also come with a stinger tip which is while i'm questioning that fast action we'll see it on the wall here but the six ten light fast action diawastise ags it's labeled as a net rod net rig rod not my style of net rig rod but i think it would be a killer minnow shakin rod other people around the office here have used it for a shakin a minnow and loved it so the net rig rod and the diawastise ags line up let's take it to the rod wall all right we're back the diawastise ags ags six ten light fast action they're net rig rod uh and you can tell right away that stinger tip is definitely there it's cool they actually wrap the guides in a in a red color at the tipping you can visually see when you know detect a bite if you're dragging a net rig or shakin a minnow just a cool little touch that that diawad did but i see why they label it a fast but i can also see extra extra fast it almost has a dual action to it if you just bend the tip of the rod in the slightest manner it's just that tip section bending but if you load into it that looks like a fast action to me so i can see why they said fast action also one bat and i available it an extra extra fast this is another one similar to that that sancroid bacics i think you could do pretty much anything with it probably more on the lighter side i would be hesitant to throw those seven eight inch minnows on it just because that tip section is super light but in that three four five six inch realm i think this thing's money it is pricey like we said earlier this thing comes it's six hundred bucks so it's not for everybody but if you're looking for one of the lightest best balanced rods and you you want the best of the best for shakin a minnow the diwasties is definitely up there all these rods i wouldn't be scared to throw on on my boat for for any of these price points but the the diwasties at that heftier price point is definitely you know just feel wise and balance wise a step above but that is gonna wrap it up for this week's rod bending we are looking at the comments we want you to leave what we should be doing next we'd love to hear from you don't forget if you enjoy what we've been doing click the like button subscribe to the channel and we'll see you next time back at the rod wall