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Megabass Orochi X10 / 7'2" / Heavy/ Fast | Bushadder

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New from Megabass, the Orochi X10 Bushadder! A 7'2" Heavy-Fast Casting rod.

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Video Transcript

Megabass, Orochi X10. This one is the Bushadder. The Bushadder is a 7-2 heavy fast action rod. And Kip here and me, we're just talking about it. It is our customer base's favorite type of Megabass rod. We look at all the other different families. It's like the perfect pitch. This is a jig, Texas Rig Rod. Without being that 7-6 or really long length, we get from a lot of the American manufacturers. This is a shorter jigging rod, power fishing rod for flipping and pitching. I don't think it's too powerful that you couldn't still skip docks with it. If you're looking for kind of an all-around power fishing rod for a jig or bottom contact fishing, this would be ideal. There are some things to point out that's a little intriguing so far with these Orochi X10s. These do feature a blank material that no one's ever used before. If you look here on the blank, it does tell you this is all organic fibers. This is a completely organic makeup rod. So it's all materials that aren't coming from plastics, that this is organic fibers. I'm not sure where they're sorting it, whether it's I've heard bamboo or different things. I haven 't gotten anything confirmed and then I just know it's organic fibers. The blank does look a lot bigger because of that. I mean just physically larger diameter. It looks like a glass rod, right? So that could be a little bit, you know, set you back a little bit when you're looking at $400 megabass rod. Obviously wouldn't be a problem if it was a glass rod, but it's not. This is not meant to be soft parabolic action. This is designed to be a hard-hitting jig rod. So it does messes your head a little bit when you look at it, but I will tell you, as you can imagine, they did pay attention to how it feels and you pick it up. It does not feel overly heavy at all. It does feel pretty nice in hand. I am impressed with this thing so far. Really impressed with sort of the chuck on them and the aesthetics. The real seat is very comfortable. I get worried when they have a secondary ridge in the real seat there that it's going to eat up my finger a little bit because I do palm a reel so far forward. It doesn't bother me one bit. All the little hits of different thread wraps and different colors on these rods have been absolutely beautiful so far. Everyone's been perfect that we've picked up and looked at. So kudos and megabass and making another beautifully aesthetic rod, but let's bend it on the wall and see what we're looking at because I will tell you these things are a little adventurous when you pick them up and play them the first time. They are different. They are not the same old rods you see from everybody all the time. So cool stuff from the Orochi family. Let's go check it out, bend it on the wall and weigh this thing. Just got done weighing the 7-2 heavy fast action bush adder in the Orochi X10 line. This thing weighs 5.7 ounces which is surprising. I didn't think it would weigh as much as it came out weighing. I will promise you this much. Trust me I don't pick it up in the store. I think it feels more balanced and lighter than the perfect pitch from the previous Orochi family. It feels much more alive and it looks a lot prettier in my opinion. I'm surprised at how these feel so far. If you want to see hooks out there it's got lots of power. A lot more power than I'm probably making it look like. It's got tons of power. It's exactly what it's designed for. It would do very well. It's going to set the hook on the jig really good or a big Texas rig. The weirdest thing about these rods so far to me, this new organic material is softer feeling than traditional graphite. So I don't know if that makes a lot of sense. I'm just bending it here but it almost feels like a glass rod or a softer lower modulus graphite as I pull back on it. But it has a true graphite action. This thing's really fast. Like a lot faster than it looks like when I've got it loaded up but as I slowly load it for you, look at the tip on this thing. It's fast. It wants to pull back. Trust me it's pulling back a lot harder than I'm making it look. This thing's pretty stiff. Got a true fast graphite action but a feel of a lower modulus rod as far as the pressure pulls back at. It's not like there's sections of the hook set. This is just like a purely new feeling material. I will say that. This organic material is different. I feel like I love fishing with it but I have to get it on the water and see for myself. Very interesting. I'm glad Megabass did something different here. It's interesting to talk about and they rods do look really beautiful. If you 're after a new jig rod and the Orochi lineup, definitely check out the Bushadder. 
