Just Landed: NEW Beast Coast!
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A new jig, a new swimbait, a new jig size, check out all the amazing tackle Beast Coast is sending to us!
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Beast Coast Tungsten Lil' Magnum Jig
$6.99 – $8.99
Jump to 0:08
Beast Coast Zero Flex Gorilla Swim Jig
Jump to 0:31
Beast Coast SlowFlow Finesse Swimbait
Jump to 1:06
Video Transcription
What's up everybody? T Lo, Omnia Fishing here. Got a brand new just landed, specifically with Beast Coast. This is their Lil Magnum jig. You guys are familiar with it. We carry it already, but this is the 3/4 ounce size. It could be great for a very heavy cover, deep grass, that sort of stuff. Tungsten, so it's compact, it's going to get through that vegetation real good. So make sure you guys check it out. Real beefy, awesome BKK hook on there as well. In addition to that, let's stay with the jigs. We've got the brand new Heavy Duty Gorilla Swim Jig. These things are very similar to your other swim jigs in the market. This head is kind of angled so that you can get through the vegetation really good. Like I said, a nice beefy BKK hook on there so that you can really wrench them. A lot of guys like fishing this on straight braid through that vegetation. So a lot of different offerings in terms of colors and sizes. So make sure you guys check those out. And something that's very, very near and dear to me. I love fishing smallmouth, but obviously not just smallmouth. But Beast Coast has this brand new SlowFlow swim bait here. So this is a 3.8" size. They also have it in a 2.85" size. But meant for dragging really slow on the bottom, which is something I love to do, especially for smallmouth. You can use a ball head jig. You can use a football head jig. But this is a bait that you can reel very, very slowly. And that boot tail there is going to kick like crazy even at those really slow retrieve speeds. And definitely smells good too. So going to get you a lot of bites in the water . Make sure you guys check out all this new stuff from Beast Coast at omniafishing.com. [Music]