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Jason Christie's Smallmouth Spinnerbait Setup

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Jason Chistie's spinnerbait setup isn't like the one you'd see normally on a Bassmaster Elite's boat. Watch and find out what it is!

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Video Transcription

Hey guys, Jason Christie here, Elite Series Pro. I got a spinnerbait set up in my hand here that you don't typically see in my hand. Most times, you know, it's the 6'10" Head Turner with a slow reel, you know, big blades. Notice here willow leaf blades, War Eagle. This is my smallmouth set up. This is what I'm out there, and I'm burning the spinnerbait over the top, so I want to do some changes. I got a longer rod, so I can make a longer cast and fight these smallmouth. This is a 7'4" Falcon Cara. Faster reel, typically I like to use a low gear ratio. This is a 7.5:1, this lets me burn the bait. 20 lb. Shooter and a War Eagle, 3/4 ounce spinnerbait here. With willow leaves, it lets it move a lot quicker across the top of the water. (upbeat music) 
