How to Tie a Palomar Knot | Jacob Bros
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One of the top line-to-bait connections is the Palomar Knot. With just a few steps, Jacob is going to show you how to tie it.
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Video Transcription
All right, guys, today we're showing you how to tie a Palomar knot. This is my favorite knot to tie when tying braided line to a lure. For example, if you're throwing a frog or a jig on straight braid, this is my preferred knot.
What you're going to do is you're going to take your braided line. We'll use this orange string so it's easy to see. We'll use this carabiner as the lure. You're going to take your braided line, pass it through the eye of the bait like this, give yourself a nice tag end. You're going to pass it back through. What this does is it doubles up the line. Next steps, I like to hold both lines together. You're going to take your end that has a loop here. You're going to tie just a simple overhand knot like this. You got your loop end here. Bring this down to where it's on the bait but not super tight. What you're going to do is you're going to pass the bait through this loop here that you've created. Now you've got the loop encapsulating your tag end along with your main line. What you're going to do is you're going to cinch all of this down together. Cinch it down nice and good. Grab on both ends. That's Palomar knot. (upbeat music)