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Omnia Fishing

These are the BEST Hair Jig Rods on the Market!

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This one is for the smallmouth junkies! The hair jig is an excellent tool for for pressured or wary bass, but it takes a technique specific rod to fish it effectively. Today we're bending the top 5 hair jig rods that we carry. Which is your favorite?

What's up everybody? Kip here with Omnia Fishing and we have another exciting new rod bend for you this week. This was also a viewer request. The comment came a long time ago. I don't think we'll be able to find it, but shout out to whoever suggested harejig rods . We are from the north. We love fishing for smallmouth. We have a harejig tied on early season for sure. Anytime we're targeting those big brown footballs. So we know a thing or two about them and we've got truly what I believe to be the best five rods out there right now for the harej ig. Starting out with the Zodiac 7.6 light mod fast. Before I get into the wait one thing to call out here is you're not going to see the cheapest rods in the world in this video. With this sort of taper and length and action that you're looking for with a harejig rod, just typically a 7.6 or longer medium light to light powered rod. It's just not the most versatile kind of rod ever so you don't see it in a lot of the lower price points. It's very technique specific. So you're going to see mostly 200 rods in up today. But back to the Zodiac 7.6 light moderate fast action came in at 3.8 ounces. Really lightweight rod for 200 bucks. This is one of the more budget friendly rods we have today. An Azodius line, the X-Pryd line. Super high quality rods for the money. So this is going to be your more moderate action. There's kind of two trains of thoughts with a harej ig rod. You can have an extra fast action that will help you whip that little fuzzball out there. Or you can have more of a moderate action where you once you load up on that fish they're staying pinned. This is the ladder. Really cool rod. I've used this rod in the past and it is a killer for harejigs and a couple other finesse techniques that I'll get to on the wall. But without further due the Zodiac 7.6 light moderate fast. Let's take it to the wall. All right we 're at the wall with that Shimano Zodiac 7.6 light mod fast. I'm not even doing anything here and you can see that tip is already loaded. Fairy light rod. Like I mentioned before this style of rod is kind of pigeon holed in just a couple of techniques. Definitely excels at the harejig. You can also throw a spy bait on it. You're going to see similar techniques throughout the rest of these rods. Not a lot of these rods can handle a bunch of different techniques. There's one that that can. But this is for your super light stuff. 3/32 ounce harejigs to eighth maybe. You can get away with a really light net rig or a spy bait. But you can see once you load this thing up it is fully folded. So you imagine you set the hook on a 4.5, 6 pound smallie and this thing's fully bent over. They're going to have a hard time shaking off that that harejig. A really cool rod here from Shimano. They do make a 7/6. I believe it's a medium light in the X-pride. It's a little bit stouter than this. If you wanted a more versatile rod that X-pride can do a harejig and some other things. If you are a die hard small mouth angler fishing big clear water and love a harejig. This is definitely going to outshine that X-pride. But cool rod here from Shimano. Let's get on to rod number two. Okay rod number two small mouth junkies knew this one was coming. This is the NRX plus 901S SJR. It's rated from a 16th of an ounce to 5/16th. A 6 to 10 pound line. This is the benchmark that every other harejig rod aspires to get to. This is what they're built around essentially. It's been around for a long time. The NRX plus is a slightly upgraded version. Recoil guides on it. Extremely lightweight came in at 3.2 ounces for a 7/6 rod. That's crazy light. There are some lighter rods in this line from Loomis but they're much shorter for 7/6. 3.2 is nuts. Super light. We've got it paired on a loose reel here. Feels awesome in hand and super soft. Guys have probably been waiting on this one. Let's bring it to the wall. This is the 901S SJR G Loomis NRX plus. All right. Here we are with that Loomis NRX plus 901SJR 7/6 fast action rod. With the actions on these it's really hard to say fast, mod fast, extra fast just because of how light powered they are. If you bend this just a little bit it's loading up deeper into the blank but the action you can really tell the action if you just give it a little bit of pressure. I'm barely putting anything into this right now and you can see the far end of that rod is bending. It is a fast action but once you put any power into it it does want to load further. It's a medium light powered rod. But again this is the gold standard everybody's trying to get to with a hair jig rod. It's also a killer swim spied bait rod if you're familiar with the John Stins on the Elite series. This is the rod they were using before they moved to Iowa. Really cool hair jig rod. You know those guys are absolute studs when it comes to small mouth and this is the rod they chose. If you are looking for the best of the best hair jig, spy bait, small paddle tail rod, of course you need to use a light wire hook. But the Loomis NRX plus 901SJR is the cream of the crop. Let's get on to rod number three. All right speaking of the John Stins when they made their move to Iowa there are a couple of models actions that they liked and they kind of ran with it, spun it off a little bit and this is one of them. This is the Iowa to 2 Elite 7 6 medium light, 7 6 medium light fast action rated 16th to 5 16th ounce just like the NRX and came in at a similar weight as well. This is 3.4 ounces that NRX was 3.2. This comes in at 200 bucks that NRX comes over 600. It doesn't feel as crisp or alive as that NRX but spec wise weight wise it's very similar and this is another rod where you're kind of pigeonholed into basically just hair jigs by baits. Super soft you'll see that on the wall here. But really cool rod one of my favorite rods that we're going to talk about today. I think bang for the buck really lightweight $ 200 it's not a technique that you're going to use year round most often so if you're just getting into hair jig fishing or just want a really nice rod to do it the the times that you do use that technique this is one to definitely check out. 7 6 medium light hair jig rod in the Iowa to 2 Elite line . All right back on the wall with the 7 6 medium light fast action, Iowa to 2 Elite Chris John St ins rod and again this is a super light rod. A very similar action to that Loomis 901 but if anything it's a little bit faster. I know it looks weird when you're loading up such a light rod but trust me from here just bending applying a little bit of pressure you can see I'm a pretty sharp brake right at the end. I think that's going to aid in the ability to cast that little fuzz ball if you're using like you know some people drop down to like 6 pound braid but anywhere from 6 to 10 pound braid to like 8 pound fluorocarbon leader you're going to be able to cast that hair jig a mile on this rod. It does eventually hit some backbone which is kind of shocked by. It's very whippy when you're casting it so that's that's the only thing that's kind of deterring me from saying use it on a paddle tail or a net rig or even a drop shot. It has such a light tip that it's very whippy so I would say again spy bait hair jig killer option for those style of of baits and again if you are looking for a rod similar to that 901 nrx but don't want to fork over 600, 625 bucks this is a killer option. Also a big fan of the four grip here that Loomis had it too nice large cork four grip really comfortable and and allows me to put my hand all the way in front of that spinning reel so if you're in the market for a budget-ish friendly hair jig rod dial it to tula 7 6 medium light fast action is a great choice. Okay next up another super popular one another super high-end pricey rod this is in the mega bass p5 line this is the flissa it came in at 3.7 ounces if you're familiar with p5 rods they do add a little bit of counterweight in the butt section so that accounts for that extra point four ounces but in hand it feels ridiculous I've got a small reel on here but feels incredible it does have a slightly smaller handle section it's more minimal minimalistic if you like to put your entire hand in front of the reel like I do it's not the most comfortable but if you're a split finger guy or maybe just the pinky behind the reel it does contour pretty well to your hand ratings on the rod it's 16 pounds to 3/8 pounds so just going off ratings that we've seen so far this does seem to be a little bit like it can be a little bit more versatile than that to tula and the nrx should be able to handle a little bit more weight personally I've never used this rod or bent it so not uh we're going to be experiencing this this together here but on paper seems like it should be a little bit more versatile of a rod than what we've seen so far so let's take it to the rod wall the p5 destroyer mega bass line the flissa all right back on the wall with that mega bass p5 destroyer flissa seven six light fast action and right off the bat it does feel like it has a little bit more backbone something I forgot to mention in that when we were bending that to t ula is if you're looking for a more versatile rod the they also make a seven six medium medium light that you can use for a hare jig it's not perfect but it can also do a ton of other stuff it's great for a paddle paddletail swim bait a Niko rig great for a net rig offshore drop shot really versatile rod this kind of reminds me of that it has a a soft tip plenty of of whip in that tip section where you can throw a hare jig out there but it does hit some serious backbone I wouldn't be afraid to throw everything I just mentioned on that uh seven six medium medium light dial a on this a Niko rig net rig paddletail uh a deeper drop shot super versatile rod here in the mega bass family the p5 destroyer flissa last rod for the week something a little bit different actually everything we've talked about so far has been seven foot six that's kind of the standard for a true hare jig rod this is a little different it's coming from St. Croix in their victory line they also make this rod in the legend tournament pass this is the seven ten medium light extra fast something we haven't seen and they call this one their crosshair rod the name is kind of on point there but this one comes in same specs as that flissa 16th ounce two three eighth ounce and just looking at it here it definitely looks like a thicker blank like you could do more stuff with it but to me this screams great lakes like big water they also make a big water rod this exact rod in a medium rather than medium light but if you're wanting to throw a hare jig on that big water this thing would be perfect for it came in at 3.9 ounces it is our heaviest rod of the of the day but it is a seven ten it's got four extra inches than what we've seen before and i actually expected it to be a little bit heavier it's not a poorly balanced rod by any means but because it has it's such a a long rod it is a little bit tip heavy if you throw a bigger reel on the back of this like a 4,000 size reel sounds big but it would pair up really well with this rod so let's take it to the rod wall the seven ten medium light extra fast st. Croix victory crosshair okay here we are with that seven ten medium light extra fast st. Croix victory and right away it is a truly a different rod than we've looked at so far super light tip and again i think the more moderate rods that we looked at earlier are going to be great for landing fish as soon as you you know sweep a hook set with that that little hook it's going to be really hard for those small is to shake that that bait this rod i think is going to be a really good caster first of all the length seven ten you should get a little further cast but it also has a really quick tip on it so if you really want to whip a hare jig out there i think this is probably one of your best options but after that quick tip section it does hit backbone i can see this working for or being a more versatile rod if you like a longer rod you can be a more versatile rod than the ones we've seen so far aside from maybe that flica that flices up here too but it has a ton of backbone if you wanted to throw basically any finesse presentation you could do it on this rod it just so happens that it has a super fast tip that would allow you to throw a hare jig too again with these victories c ork four grip i'm a big fan of that uh made in the usa really tough to find a rod made in the usa at 200 bucks and it comes with i believe a 15 year warranty so another really quality product here from san kroy the victory line has been a standout for sure bang for the buck so want a bit a little bit longer a little more versatile hare jig rod you can do a few other things with it check out the seven ten medium light extra fast crosshair that is going to wrap it up for this week 's rod bend i truly think that these are five of the best hare jig rods on the market if you have another one that you think would be one of these please leave it in the comments we'd love to hear from you we sincerely thank you for watching let us know down below what do you want to see next do you want another technique specific video do you want a more budget friendly video we're always looking we take your comments into consideration as always if you've been enjoying the content please leave us a like subscribe to the channel we'll catch you next week back at the rod wall