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Omnia Fishing

Bending the Deps Gain Element Light Shaking Spinning Rod

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Polish Pete bends the new Deps Gain Element Light Shaking Spinning Rod.

Video Transcript

This is the DEPS gain element spinning rod. That's right, the family of rods is gonna be called gain element. I only know of one other model besides this particular model we're gonna bend today that's coming to market here soon, that Omnia will have hopefully early this summer. But this particular model, the first DEPS rod we're gonna carry here at Omnia is for, you guessed it, the Sakamata shed. Our most popular shaken minnow in the smallest sizes, the four inch size. And I also think like a three inch drift fry, this really small minnow baits that people are shaking now, this is an ideal rod for that. And you can tell right away when you pick it up, the tip on this rod is so crazy light that I can see why they would call it a light shaking rod. It takes absolutely zero effort to make this rod tip shake like crazy. I mean, I could, you could do this all day long and never get fatigued. And the rod, I, as you can imagine, is insanely lightweight. It is 3.4 ounces, which is light. This thing feels really light in hand. I love the real seat on it, it's grown on me huge. I saw the way the handle was designed and it didn't think much of it when it showed up, but hanging onto it here for a day or two and playing with it and shooting stuff with it, I'm really, really digging this thing. It's a very understated rod aesthetic wise. You think, you know, you think JDM, I think some cool stuff all over the rod, some kind of wild componentry. And it's very understated and under toned rod, but man, if you get up close, you do see the little hits. This is a two piece rod. It's just like a real JDM rod. It is jointed here at the handle. So the blank actually slides into the handle. That's where it comes apart instead of up in the middle of the blank. So you do get like a true crazy cool action out of this rod. It is a six five light power R-bend, regular bend, moderate action, however you wanna say it. I will say when you got line on it and you just go to bend it, it feels like the tip is almost like a stinger tip. It feels like a solid tip, but when you actually load the rod up and you bend it pretty good, man, the whole thing kills over. It feels like I almost a pan fish rod. It's very different for us here in a bassition shop to be playing with this rod. It's a little bit different action that I'm used to, especially even in the shaking stuff where I've seen the rods shining for us anyway. I've been sort of the stiffer backbone, quick tip rods, solid tip rods, stinger tip rods. That is shine for us so far, the employees here and even the anglers we've been talking to that are really good at doing this. So let's go bend the depth gain element, six five light regular bend on the wall. See how it does. Depth gain element, the six five light power regular bend and we'll just load it up slow. And yeah, this thing's about as moderate regular bend as you can get it. Hold on, let me light tighten up the drag here. A little nervous having the drag super tight in this rod. It does feel light powered, it does. But I'm gonna tell you right now, it's getting addictive to pick this rod up and play with it here at the office. When they say light shaking element, they mean basically you could just take this rod and basically you could take your fingertip and pop the rod and you're making the tip move like inches. It's insane how easy it is to shake the tip of this rod. If you were trying to impart a little bit of action on a tiny little minnow bait, 50 feet, 100 feet out from the boat, 10 feet down on your scope staring at it, if you could see it that well, this would be the rod to do it, right? This is, this would be the perfect rod to impart that action on it. Makes me nervous on how I would set the hook and fight the fish because the rod's so light powered and it's got this moderate action to it. But I'll tell you, the more you hang out of the rod, the more confidence inspiring it is 'cause it does feel really nice and hand. I can't explain it until you actually hold it onto it. It's making me more and more think justified wanting to buy this thing. Even though I've had way more luck fishing, at least where I live with the bigger minnows with five, six, seven inch minnows and even eight inch minnows. But the sixes and sevens have been where I've really had the most luck. So getting down to those small ones, the more people do this technique, especially even on our bodies of water way up north so they get less pressure than down south. I think this type of rod and these type of, those type of baits are gonna be what ends up shining more and more is those smaller minnows. So this is a rod designed specifically for three and four inch little tiny minnows and doing that scope and stuff with it. So mid strolling with a tiny minnow. Check out this gain element from Deps
