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Cody Huff's Beatdown Outdoors Bow Mount Set-Up

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Cody Huff showcases his bow graph mounting set up from Beatdown Outdoors.

VIdeo Transcript

What's going on everybody I'm Cody Huff and I'm going to talk to you guys real quick about a real valuable tool that I've added to my boat this last year that I feel like makes me more efficient and honestly it saves my body by the end of the day. So I've got beat down mounts on this year and so on these mounts you can adjust your graph however you want to twist it turn it, raise it, get that thing up there where you can see it and I actually have an extender pole that I can screw into the top and I can raise that thing all the way up here. But what I love about it is no matter you know if you're out there scoping you can put that pole in raise it all the way up. If you decide you don't want to do that you're going to go skip some boat docks or throw a frog shallow. You just pull a little knob slide that thing down get it back flush again and it's going to be out of your way. But these things are fully adjustable and they're honestly the sturdiest things I've ever used. There's no just tightening bolts all the time when your graphs are moving around. You put these on, they're there, these things are through bolted and to my boat so I mean they're not going anywhere. I honestly believe if you want a graph mount that's going to work for you you could buy one of those and use it the rest of your life and you're never going to have to change.
