The long awaited part two to our rod bending series to find the best jig rod is finally here! We're covering five more of what we believe are the best jig rods on the market.
What's up out there? Kip here with Omnia Fishing. We've got another rod bending
for you today.
The Bassmaster Elite Series just kicked off a couple of days ago. Today we were
watching Bill
Owen put on an absolute clinic with the jig and it's got me and the rest of the
guys here at the
Omnia HQ more fired up than ever for open water. A few months back we actually
did a jig rod
bending part one and we said we'd do a part two because there are hundreds of j
ig rods out there
and everybody's got a favorite. So we're going over a few more today. Jig
fishing happens to be
one of my favorite ways to catch bass all season long. So let's get right into
rod number one.
Of course we got to talk about the NRX line from G. Loomis. This is the NRX
plus 854C. So it's a
7 foot 1 heavy power fast action. Came in at 3.9 ounces. Pretty impressive for
a 7 foot 1 heavy
powered rod. It's rated from 5/16 to 3/4 of an ounce. I've personally found
that especially in the
NRX line but Loomis in general seems to under power their rods. I think you
could get away throwing
you know if you wanted to throw a Texas rig on this rod you definitely could.
You could probably get up to that ounce range. No problem. So super popular jig
rod here in the
G. Loomis NRX plus line. Let's take it to the rod wall. The NRX 854C JWR. All
right here we are
with that NRX plus 854C JWR 7.1 heavy fast action. I've actually owned this rod
in the past.
Super awesome. It's an awesome rod. I will say loading into this rod it's got a
ton of power.
I've said this in the past but I'm a braid-de-leader guy for most applications.
For me this was just a
little too much backbone for braid-de-leader. Something's going to fail when
you've got a rod.
This stiff you've got your connection not let alone your not connecting your
your line to your
lure. So personally I prefer a little bit softer jig rod but if you are a big
line straight floor
dude if you're old school you're a mono guy. You can definitely set the hook on
oath a jig on this
rod. Super light in hand recoil guides about halfway up the blank. A really
tough rod to beat in the
jig category. There are some other popular ones in the NRX line for a softer
one. The 853 is a
great choice. A lot of people like the 873 Carolina rig rod for a jig and of
course the 894 as well.
A little feel like a little bit longer rod but this is rod number one the 854
NRX plus from G
Loomis. All right rod number two this is a rod that is completely different
than the one we just
looked at. It's not your stereotypical jig rod but we had to talk about it
because this is
the rod that Seth fighter one of our good friends likes to throw jig on. It is
definitely a braid-de-de-leader
rod it's a lot softer but nonetheless I've used this rod as well and it is
awesome for your lighter
jigs. This is the seven foot medium medium heavy extra fast to two elite AGS
from diala. It's
Brent Ailer's rod actually it is called their power finesse rod. Power finesse
sounds kind of
backwards right as it powers it finesse. It is actually a little bit of both
from when I've used
it it's got a really light tip and then you it's almost like a medium powered
tip and then you
eventually hit some medium heavy backbone. So really really cool rod here it
came in at four
ounces flat super light the ratings on it are eight ounce to one ounce. This is
what I'm saying
when I think Loomis under powers their rods a little bit there's no way this
rod handles more
than that 854 so super light in hand the AGS guide train absolutely helps with
that it feels like
nothing but let's bring it to the rod wall the to to to elite AGS seven foot
medium medium heavy
extra fast. All right back on the wall with that to to elite AGS the seven foot
power finesse rod
one thing we get asked about a lot is can you run braid to a leader through AGS
right on the package when you when you order one of these rods it tells you not
to. Personally
I've done it with every AGS rod that I've owned Seth obviously does it as well
as long as you were
tying a thin enough knot you really shouldn't have any issues. Fg goes through
there no problem
and Alberto goes through there no problem I wouldn't go with like your uni to
uni something
bulky like that you will hang up in these guides and as many of you know AGS
guides are liable to
break rather than bend so as long as you're careful use it then not not an
issue but to the actual
bend definitely an extra fast action just imparting a little bit of power you
can see that tip is the
only area that really wants to bend but I was actually kind of shocked I owned
the previous model
of this rod and it didn't feel like it had this much power after that initial
tip section I'm
way into to the medium heavy part of this rod it feels like I'd have absolutely
no problem throwing
half ounce 5/8th ounce even jigs on this rod especially with a braid to a braid
to a leader
but even for your floral guys this would make an awesome like weightless Texas
rig rod
like a fluke or a Senko or something like that and I think it'd make it killer
spinnerbait rod too
it's got a nice short handles of your roll casting around cover or or docks or
something like that
this would be a sweet option it's been one of my favorite dockskipping rods
definitely a cool one
here in the dial with titula elite AGS line of rods all right for rod number
three we are going
back to the opposite end of the spectrum this is the falcon cara seven foot
four heavy I call it a
moderate fast it's rated from a half ounce to an ounce lua-royd and it came in
at 4.1 ounces a
seven foot four rod heavy power coming at 4.1 ounces it's really impressive I
will say I don't think
they do a bunch of counter weighting in this rod it's a tiny little butt
section so I imagine
4.1 ounces is just what you get there's no counter balance here but regardless
of that it feels
really good in hand still it doesn't feel tip heavy and really cool rod this is
just from looking
at it going to be more of your power fishing jig rod your heavier jigs around
thick cover
probably a floral rod so I'm excited to get this one on the wall the seven foot
four heavy moderate
fast in the caroline from falcon all right back on the wall with the falcon car
a seven foot four heavy
mod fast and if you just give it a little pressure definitely not as quick as
to tool rod we looked at earlier you can see even just with a little bit of
pressure there
it wants to load a little further but that tip section is stiff it's pulling
back on me quite a
bit I have to apply a little bit of pressure to get it to actually bend so my
initial thoughts seem to
be fairly accurate here this is going to be your big jig fit cover big floroc
arbon 20 pound
22 25 pound florro and this is a rod that that Jason Christie has had a lot of
success with in
those scenarios definitely bends further into the blank again got a ton of
power but with that
mod fast action I don't think this is limited to just a jig I could see this
being a really good
mag draft rod early in the spring late in the fall a bigger bait rod offshore
football jigs chickens
or preacher jigs as some of you guys like to call them definitely a more
versatile rod than just a
jig rod on your heavier side of the spectrum so cool rod here in the caroline
from falcon again
this is the seven foot four heavy mod fast all right the next two rods that we
're looking at
are for the guy that likes a little bit longer jig rod maybe this isn't your
rod for up close
pitching and flipping or you know skipping under docks fishing that heavy cover
maybe this is your
rod that is you know on the outside of a weed line where you've got some room
to work with and you
want a little bit longer rod that loads up a little bit further allows you to
fight the fish a
little bit better so these next two rods are going to be a little bit longer
actually both of them
I believe are going to be seven foot five and this one is the die with steves
AGS bottom contact
too this has been a super popular rod in the original steves line and now in
the the new one
as well but it's a it's a really popular football jig rod anything where you're
dragging a jig
a carolina rig techniques similar to that but I think you'd make an awesome jig
rod as well or
texas rig rod when you're off the bank a little bit flipping in that deeper
mill foil or deeper
vegetation in general this would make you kill a rod it came in at 4.4 ounces
not as light as I
thought it would be with the AGS guides and obviously the high quality blanks
that you're
going to find in the steves but it does feel really really good in hand as far
as specs go on the rod
it's a seven foot five medium heavy heavy so unlike that that's a tool we
looked at earlier
was a medium medium heavy this is going to be essentially one power up from
that it is rated
from quarter ounce to an ounce 12 to 25 pound line it's slightly more powerful
than a medium heavy
and a little bit longer than your typical do-all casting rod but this is a cool
one one that I've
been interested in they also make this rod in the zillion line which I'm a big
fan of so let's take
it to the wall the die with steves AGS seven foot five bottom contact two all
right back on the
wall with that steves AGS bottom contact two and give it a little bit of power
they label it a
fast action and I can definitely see that it does have more power than a
traditional medium heavy
again they label it a medium heavy heavy so it sits somewhere in between there
it's a seven foot
five rod which personally speaking I know a lot of guys that like to run a
seven three to seven
six jig rod for me the the longer end of that scale is a little too long I like
something more
in the seven foot seven three personally but I will admit with a longer rod you
get the rod
itself actually loads a little bit further just because of the length of the
rod and it does help
your landing percentage so you can see the train of thought there this rod
screams again to me I
know I said it before but football jig Carolina rig this would be a sweet rod
super light AGS
guides feels like nothing when you're holding it and these steeds rods are
extremely sensitive
something I didn't mention with the other rods but that lumus is obviously
super sensitive and
this one's right up there too this has not been the most price conscious video
of all time a lot
of these rods are four hundred dollars plus but with a bottom contact technique
like a jig
you get what you pay for the the higher you go in price the lighter the blanks
the thinner the
walls of the graphite they use and that ultimately leads to a more sensitive
rod if you pair that
with braid on top of it you're going to feel almost everything that that's down
there so cool rod
from diala the steeds AGS bottom contact to seven foot five medium heavy heavy
fast action all
right our fifth and final rod in this week's rod bending is a rod from dobbins
got to give a
shout out to our guy Trey harple he's the one that actually recommended we bend
this rod he also
does a great job cleaning your bay casting reels so if you need him serviced
definitely reach out to
him he's a master but the rod that we're talking about is the dobbins ecstasy
series it's their
755c it's their their split handle variant they also have it in a full cork but
this is a
mag heavy fast action rod it's rated from three a's to an ounce and a half
pretty uh pretty large
weight range there and it came in at 5.1 ounces now weight is not everything
with a jig rod especially
a rod at this price point it's this is a 500 plus dollar rod dobbins is very
well known for
balancing their rods extremely well so they definitely have some weight in the
back half of
this rod here in the butt section and it feels incredible there it feels like
there's nothing
out in front of this reel so it is the heaviest rod that we're talking about
today but it actually
feels like one of the lightest in hand i'm not kidding you there it feels
awesome this is the
rod that i haven't used personally i know a couple of our our warehouse guys
have used the
ecstasy line and i've spoken barely highly of it so i'm excited to get this one
to the wall again
dobbins ecstasy 755c and this is a 7 foot 5 mag heavy fast action all right
here we are with that
dobbins ecstasy 755c uh and bending it right away actually has a lot softer tip
than i thought it would
i'm i'm not as well versed in dobbins as i know some of you guys are out there
but to me when i look
at mag heavy i'm visioning a broomstick of a rod that's not the case here it's
got a really
live tip actually and you could definitely if you're comfortable skipping with
longer rod this could definitely do it and once you get into power or once you
give it some power
you're actually getting to a really stout backbone so i don't know you get you
dobbins guys
tell me this if this is kind of what they're they're going for but it feels
like a softer tip
and then that mag heavy really hits in the backbone or in the back section of
this rod but
super sensitive graphite here from the in the ecstasy line feels incredible in
hand and again
this is for you guys that prefer a little bit longer jig rod um i again i could
see it playing in those
same scenarios that that bottom contact too did for me it's a uh deeper
vegetation texas rigorog
uh jig rod carolina rig rod but for you guys that like a longer rod definitely
don't hesitate to
look at the ecstasy line specifically the 755c all right that is going to wrap
it up for this
week's rod bending of our best jig rods part two like i said there are hundreds
of jig rods on the
market we could make part three four five of this series so if we left your
favorite jig rod out of
this video be sure to leave it down below if we've got it here we'll definitely
bend it in part three
and a reminder if you are not an omnium pro member you know a lot of these
brands that we talked
about today tough to get a discount on but if you're an omnium pro member you
get 10 back on all of
your orders including these rods so make sure to check that out start a seven-
day free trial if
you haven't already if you are liking the content that we're putting out you
want to see more rod
bendings please let us know by leaving a like subscribing to the channel and we
are extremely
excited for what 2025 has to hold for us here at omnia fishing as well as just
the fishing season
in general it's going to be a great year so make sure you stay tuned and we'll
catch you next week
back at the rod wall
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