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The Top Chatterbait Rods at Omnia | Part 2

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Pete breaks down even more of the top pics for Chatterbait rods.

Video Transcript

Chatterbait rods part two this one is just a few extra rods I think four to be exact, maybe five that were called out by you our Customers or people that are viewers that viewed the previous video or employees that work here that said hey How can we talk about this one or you know? I think we're gonna be doing probably a part three of this apart for obviously looks like people fish with chatterbaits a lot It's a lot of popular rods for it I'm gonna start it off with this one because I personally think and meet in some of the employees that work here feel the same As I do as this is probably one of the most sleeper chatterbait rods that we sell here at Omnia Fishing.This is by far and away the most inexpensive chatterbait rod I think we've talked about believe these are like 129 retail somewhere in that ballpark don't quote me This is an extremely expensive rod This is the Falcon lowrider series the more we touch these rods and more impressed we are with them The reason why we see why they're so popular they're really been popular region ally for us and then obviously around the Ozarks area Oklahoma and North Texas all that but I now own a couple of them I've been really impressed with them there. They're really impressive rods. Well cork handles you can tell this is not a glass rod So I don't any of you purists out there. They're looking for a glass rod. This isn't your rod This is more my style rod where it's got that they call it a moderate flex But it is graphite and it feels that way it comes in at 4.8 ounces. It is a medium heavy power But it definitely feels pretty stout it feels a lot stouter than most of chatterbait rods I've bent previous on the ground. I have not yet bent it on the wall yet So I'm excited to get over there bend it on the wall as far as cause or a Componentry on this goes it is just a probably you know, you know mid-grade c ork handle, but full cork I like it quite a bit. It's got that traditional fuji real seat on it that is extremely comfortable and still to me one of the most Comfortable real seats on the market. It's insanely comfortable just about any real I've put on them so far The threads on the four grip here are exposed a little bit That's my one knock on it But for the price of this rod the action of this thing in the feel and the balance of it's pretty impressive for a moving bait rod We're gonna go bend it on the wall and see how the Falcon low rider 73 medium heavy moderate bladed jig rod does all right. We're here with that 73 medium heavy moderate Bladed jig rod and the Falcon low rider series. I'm gonna load it up here and yeah, that's exactly what you're looking to see I'm gonna drag his tight It is definitely a my I'll tell you this it's a lot more moderate action bending it on the wall than it was Been able to flow felt a lot faster than this Which is a little bit concerning for every single great bladed jig angler Telling me you need a moderate rod for this technique. It is stout enough that you can clear grass off it and it's got a crispness to it That's definitely reminds you the fact that this isn't just a big glass rod. It 's a graphite rod So I think this is right at my alley I can't says why I have a soft spot for it You know if you're a purist chatter bait angler and you're looking for that really moderate softer material This isn't your rod, but tell you what if you're in the middle on the fence on it This is certainly a pretty sweet rod Obviously this rock could do a lot more than fish a bladed jig rod I think it's got enough backbone and power that it'd be a good open water swim jig kind of rod like open hook swim bait kind of rod Which we're doing a lot more of these days you can imagine I think I've been trying to find a perfect rod for fishing a spoon Like a deep spoon like almost a jigging spoon out away from the boat like kind of vertically hopping it back to myself This rod would probably be perfect for that. It's got enough power to set the hook far away, but Moderate enough that I think your landing percentage is going to improve quite a bit cool rod here from Falcon another contender in our Chatter bait worth here. We're doing on these videos if you're looking for a price point rod a rod that doesn't break the bank But as high performance definitely check out this Falcon lowrider blade of jig rod Saint Croix rip and chatter rod viewers stated this one a whole bunch So this was one we should be talking about this rod is a proprietary blend to make up out of some Saint Croix Manufacturers these rods in Park Falls, Wisconsin, so they have their own makeup and materials. They use their SC4 plus graphite and IAC glass so this is a Composite rod half glass half carbon fiber. I don't know what the exact makeup of that is that should don't count me on half and half It's could be 60 40. I'm not a hundred percent sure, but it definitely has a moderate feel when you just bend the rod I'm excited to bend it on the wall over there this thing impressive weight wise 4.6 ounces when you look at fiberglass rods They've been a lot heavier than that so pretty lightweight rod here With the legend tournament rod you do get more premium cork on these you do get a fork Locking nut on the front that it's all aluminum and it does cover very smooth It's not like a bitey aluminum at all or does cover up all those threads, which is really nice I do like that quite a bit the unmistakable blue of the legend tournament rods I'm gonna go bend this one here and see what a composite St. Croix rod suggested by our viewers does on the wall. All right I'm here with that St. Croix legend tournament ripping chatter rod which has been brought up quite a bit to us as Should be a rod we bend in our chatter bait discussions It is lighter weight than a traditional glass rod because it does feature some sc4 carbon fiber sc4 plus I should say carbon fiber technology in it as well as their iac glass If you any of you real detail oriented folks out there watching this, so notice I have this sweet little seven fishing reel on here that was sent to me by the our friends at St. Croix rods Thanks for watching the videos and listening I will bend all the rods with my own personal reel So don't get offended by what reels are on the rods unless you want to send me one that i'll put it on the rod for you Uh, so thank you, St. Croix for that So this is like I said the ripping chatter composite rod we're going to give it a bend now And yeah, this thing is exactly the action that you're Going for when you're looking for a for a chatter bait rod it is a moderate action It does feel kind of glassy it does feel Fiberglass like as you load it up i'm going to give it a little bit of a hook set here Hold on. Let me make sure I get the drag tight on this um It's definitely Exactly what it stated as a moderate action What's weird is it does feel like a carbon fiber rod down on this end? It's in the sense that it's light. I mean it does feel a lot lighter It feels way softer when you're just monkeying with just the tip or just playing with the rod a little bit here Like just bend in part in very little action on the rod But man when you give it backbone, it's got a lot more power than you traditionally feel when you load up real hard on a glass rod What intrigues me about that is if I ever get completely sold on I have to have a glass rod for this technique I like the fact that this thing feels like it's got a real snappy hard backbone at the back end of all that glass That if I did want to break it free of some vegetation I can still get a hard hook set in some fish if I wanted to Very alive and very good feeling rod very high quality feeling rod here from our friends at st Croix back with the die was zillion this one was strictly picked because it's new and a lot of people were asking about it And the employees here all said you're doing chatter bait rod You should do the brand new zillion rod. We do sell quite a bit of die over here So let's do them their justice and do this one as well Obviously the big talk about this one's been the aesthetics of this rod of featuring the mono cock handle Which is new to the us for die. Well, die what does have mono cock rods over in japan I know that for a fact i've been over there But this is their first four way in the us with mono cock candles and the aesthetics kind of looks similar to the x-pride So that's been the hot topic. They're totally different price points and the blank materials are very different They're very different rods this one happens to be in the flex light family Which previously was reserved for the steeze family of rods So I believe the flex light family uses some of their glatec material rolled into carbon like a composite I'm not 100 sure on this blank makeup on this particular rod But it feels more glass-like than the other flex light rods. I've fished the best I own an older model steeze flex light That definitely feels a little different this feels more like traditional glass Does feel balanced and it does look pretty with the real i've got it on on it here my own little reel here Real seats are beautiful on these the aesthetics are gorgeous It's not a lightweight king by any means it feels like traditional glass came in at 5.8 ounces when we weighed it But it does feel like a real true chatter bait rod. So let's go bend it on the wall and see how it does All right zillion chatter bait rod this thing is a seven three heavy power Regular bend because it's fiberglass. Uh, it is flex light as they call it Which I believe is a blended material with carbon and uh glass It feels more on the glass side and it does weight-wise as I said with the weight and the action of it does feel more glassy Now here's where I get surprised Uh as I've been on the floor this thing's got a lot more power than the other rods so far that I've been When they say heavy power they mean it on this one When I load it up it's pulling back a lot harder than the other rods in the That I've compared them to today. Anyway, I have been this truly is a true heavy power the other rods that I bent that are Claiming that same power rating or way off from this thing What's impressive about this one to me is If you're in the camp that you're fishing for money and you need to be using fiberglass rods for that Bladed jig presentation for a chatter bait This one's one that I wouldn't be scared to fish around some grass with or around bigger fish This has definitely got backbone and power It almost has a fast tip if you just loaded up with just your wrist because that's how stiff and powerful this rod is Awesome rod maybe for even like your offshore style chatter baits as well I honestly found myself doing that a lot more the last couple of years is getting out a little deeper a little further offshore Vegetation with a chatter bait running those three quarters and even a ounce and a quarter of time chatter baits the jack hammers This rod to me screams that because it's got a lot of power shocking amount of power for the way it feels The tip section is so it was so like soft like a glass rod should be I think that's what's going to do all your glass work and then it really shuts off It's got a ton of power but as you can see as you load it up It definitely is fiberglass. It wants to bend a whole way back to the handle almost the more you go here But uh it's got power so if you're laughter a heavy powered chatter bait rod You need to check out this one alpha angler the chatter bomb. This was uh this is obviously one We don't sell but people asked a lot about it and kip that works here owns one of these So here it is here's kips rod. I'm going to bend it over there on the wall This is a very interesting one compared to the others Links about where you think a chatter bait rod should be seven foot two inches medium heavy Okay common power for a chatter bait rod, but this has got an s glass tip Uh, so bending it on the floor bending would line on it. It feels like it's a lot faster than a traditional chatter bait rod But let's go see when we actually load it up It's got me a little nervous But what the action is on this thing because it feels incredible. It really does very well built rod You could tell that Um that these are made very nicely they're custom made rods And uh, they're not painted so they do feel light and they did come out light when I weighed it 4.2 ounces So this is on the lighter scale of rods that we've found for chatter bait rod Let's go bend it on the wall and see how the alpha angler chatter bound does All right 4.2 ounce weight-winning alpha angler chatter bound rod for the rods we we've been today anyway Uh going to load it up here and yeah If you just impart a little action on the rodder a little bit of load up Like if you're trying to clear some grass off it or something like that You can definitely tell that that tip section is that s-class material that they talk about So it's kind of got a wildly light tip to it, but similar I would say mostly do that Uh the zillion rod from dot this has got a ton of power to it And it loads up into the weight of the backbone which makes it more Makes sense now why it's called the chatter bound, right? It does load up And give you that backbone way farther back into the rod Which allows for the strikes next to the boat or don't fish to really get it and load that rod up So it's it does what you are told a chatter bait rod should do a little bit more of a Tip action to it up there then traditionally you see from certainly a rod with any fiberglass in it Typically it's the whole top end of that rod's kind of bending where I can kind of impart just a little bit of action on the very tip there Interesting one here. It's very light feels alive. It's a nice. It's a very nice rod and little gels to keep on this one But uh It definitely still has a moderate A play to it if you if you're fishing any sort of moving base of treble hooks as well Like bigger top waters or something like that I would not be scared to use this rod for any of that as well Really cool rod diff it's it's different Definitely different feeling than than some of the other ones So cool those of them for that a little bit a little bit of tip action in this one But still a fiberglass to me kind of feel to it as far as the action goes With that lightweight feel so cool rod from alpha angler [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]
