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Megabass P5 Destroyer Casting Rod Bends

P5 Destroyer Oneten Special

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer Oneten Special

The Megabass P5 Destroyer Oneten Special is a 6'11" medium power, fast action rod designed for jerkbait fishing, specifically the Vision 110 and all the variations that Megabass has made. Upon testing with a taut hook set, Pete found that the rod has a slower taper than expected for a fast action rod. However, it quickly reaches its bend, confirming its fast action. The rod's taper is more gradual than most fast action rods, which aids in landing light wire treble hook baits. When tested with slack line, the rod loaded up more gradually than anticipated, further reinforcing its suitability for jerkbait fishing. Just the tip of the rod has enough power to generate significant action from a jerkbait without too much effort. As expected, Megabass made a fantastic rod to go with the jerkbait they created and popularized.


6'11" / Medium / Fast - Oneten Special

Reported 1 times in OH

4 Fishing Reports


P5 Destroyer BMG

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer BMG

The Megabass P5 Destroyer BMG is a 7'5" heavy power, fast action rod designed for offshore fishing with big jigs, Carolina rigs, and swing heads. The rod indeed has a soft tip, aligning with Megabass's description, and its action is true fast action, with the top third of the rod bending. When tested with a slack line, the rod demonstrated significant power. Despite its power, the softer tip makes the P5 Destroyer BMG a versatile 7'5" rod; Pete thinks it's perfect for any bottom contact bait presentations like a football jig or big flipping jigs.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

7'5" / Heavy / Fast - BMG

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 7'5" / Heavy / Fast - BMG

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P5 Destroyer Daemos

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer Daemos

The Daemos from Megabass is described as a fast action, medium-plus power rod. Pete found during testing that the descriptions were found to be dead on. The rod displays a fast action, with most of the movement occurring in the top third of the rod when a little pressure is applied. However, on a hook set, the rod loads up significantly, and the fast action transitions to a medium-fast action. This suggests that the rod could be used for more than just single hook bait fishing. Its lightness and slower taper make it suitable for fishing with a square bill crankbait or topwaters, particularly for those who prefer graphite rods for treble hook baits over glass.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

7'2" / Medium / Fast - Daemos

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 7'2" / Medium / Fast - Daemos

Stock: 1


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P5 Destroyer Dark Sleeper

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer The Dark Sleeper

The Megabass P5 Destroyer Dark Sleeper is a 7'1" medium-heavy, fast action rod. On testing, Pete observed that the rod quickly reaches its backbone, but its action seems slightly slower than a typical fast action from Megabass. The rod uses a significant portion of the blank for power, and its tip is notably soft. When pressure is applied, the taper of the blank is faster, but the backbone of the rod is more gradual than expected. This characteristic makes it particularly effective for modern fishing techniques that use stiffer lines, such as fluorocarbons, as it aids in fish landing ability. The rod loads up quickly with any pressure, making it versatile. Among all the rods in the P5 line, the Megabass P5 Destroyer Dark Sleeper stands out as an all-around rod.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

7'1" / Medium-Heavy / Fast - Dark Sleeper

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 7'1" / Medium-Heavy / Fast - Dark Sleeper

Stock: 0


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P5 Destroyer FMJ

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer FMJ

The Megabass P5 FMJ is a 7'3" medium-heavy, fast action rod. Upon testing, Pete observed that the rod sets the hook quickly, demonstrating its fast action. However, visually, the rod loads on a smoother curve than typical fast action rods, making it seem a bit slower. Despite this, the power in the blank makes it feel very fast. When tested with more slackline, the rod loaded smoothly throughout the backbone. This makes the P5 FMJ a versatile rod suitable for various techniques, particularly for those who prefer using braid to a leader on casting equipment. The rod's taper and power make it ideal for use with bigger line on a jig or a Texas rig.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

7'3" / Medium-Heavy / Fast - FMJ

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 7'3" / Medium-Heavy / Fast - FMJ

Stock: 1


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P5 Destroyer Javelin

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer Javelin

The Megabass P5 Destroyer Javelin is a 7'5" rod with a medium-fast action and a medium-plus power. Upon testing with a taunt line, Pete confirmed that the rod indeed has an action just a little quicker than medium. When tested with slack line, the rod performed as expected, impressing Pete with its accurate action and power descriptions. The Javelin is not a particularly powerful rod and has a softer feel, aligning with its medium-plus power description. It has a slower taper than many rods labeled as medium-fast, with its tip bending significantly down the blank. The Javelin is ideal for moving baits, as it loads up more when a bait is loaded, whether it be a treble hook or single hook moving bait. Pete suggested that it would make a great chatterbait rod for those who don't like glass rods, or a treble hook bait rod for fishing around grassy areas.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

7'5" / Medium / Medium-Fast - Javelin

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 7'5" / Medium / Medium-Fast - Javelin

Stock: 4


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P5 Destroyer Jungle Seven

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer Jungle Seven

The P5 Destroyer Jungle Seven is a 7'11" heavy power, medium-fast action. Upon testing, Pete found that the rod's action is indeed medium-fast. The top third of the rod bends with a fast action when loaded, but when given more power, the action becomes slower and extends further down the rod. This makes it slightly slower than a fast action rod, hence the term medium-fast. It bends almost halfway down the blank, but the top section of the tip is quite fast without much pressure. This allows the rod to be used as if it has a fast action while fishing, but can handle a fight and set the hook like a more moderate action rod. This versatility makes the P5 Destroyer Jungle Seven suitable for throwing a big swimbait or flipping heavy cover with a large weight.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

7'11" / Heavy / Medium-Fast - Jungle Seven

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 7'11" / Heavy / Medium-Fast - Jungle Seven

Stock: 2


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P5 Destroyer Madbull

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer Madbull

The P5 Madbull from Megabass, identifiable by its carbon fiber handle, is a 7' medium-heavy rod with a regular (moderate) action, meaning it has a slower taper. Upon bending, Pete saw that the rod bends all the way down the blank, showing that moderate action. However, despite its moderate action, the rod is quite stout and possesses significant power. This makes it effective for fishing single hook moving baits. Pete suggests that the P5 Madbull would make a great spinnerbait rod, chatterbait rod, or topwater rod. Its power allows it to effectively move a fish away from cover, making it a versatile tool for various fishing scenarios.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

7'0" / Medium-Heavy / Regular - Madbull

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 7'0" / Medium-Heavy / Regular - Madbull

Stock: 2


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P5 Destroyer Siglett

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer Siglett

The Megabass P5 Destroyer Siglett is a BFS rod with an unusual action described as extra-fast, slow action. The rod's tip is extraordinarily soft, similar to the tip of an ultralight quick-tipped or ice fishing rod. However, when the rod is loaded, it bends all the way back to the first guide, indicating a slower or regular action. This combination of actions suggests a solid tip, which is a common characteristic of many JDM rods. The slow taper of the P5 Destroyer Siglett makes it suitable for fishing tiny treble hooked baits or small single hooked baits, such as a light worm on a neko rig. The rod's unique feel and extreme tip action make it a topic of interest for BFS fishing enthusiasts. The Megabass P5 Destroyer Siglett's unique bend and extreme tip action set it apart from many bass fishing rods.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

6'6" / Super Ultra-Light / Ex-Fast/Slow - Siglett

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 6'6" / Super Ultra-Light / Ex-Fast/Slow - Siglett

Stock: 2


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P5 Destroyer Super Destroyer

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer Super Destroyer

The Super Destroyer 6'9" is a heavy-power, medium-fast action rod. Upon testing, Pete confirmed that the rod's action is indeed medium-fast, precisely as expected. The rod has a tip action that allows it to be used like a fast action rod, but when more power is applied, the taper becomes a bit slower. This makes it a perfect rod for straight fluorocarbon fishing, as it has ample power for setting the hook with a jig. However, its action is slow enough to accommodate braid to a leader, even on casting equipment, without worrying about not being able to boat fish. The Super Destroyer 6'9" gets high praise for its action, which Pete thinks aligns perfectly with its description.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

6'9" / Heavy / Medium-Fast - Super Destroyer

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 6'9" / Heavy / Medium-Fast - Super Destroyer

Stock: 1


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P5 Destroyer The X-Bites

Rod deflection of the Megabass P5 Destroyer The X-Bites

The X-Bites is a 7'2" heavy power, extra-fast action rod. Upon testing, Pete observed that the rod behaves more like a fast action rod rather than an extra-fast one. However, he noted that the rod quickly pushes back when loaded. When the rod is under load, it has a more gradual taper, bending at the top third, which is a characteristic of a fast action rod. However, with the slightest bit of pressure, the tip reacts very quickly, demonstrating the extra-fast action. This makes the X-Bites suitable for fishing with jigs, particularly medium wire hook jigs, compact flipping jigs, and smaller football jigs. Pete suggested that this rod is more of a finesse jig rod rather than a power jig rod.

Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods

7'2" / Heavy / Extra-Fast - The X-Bites

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Megabass Destroyer P5 Casting Rods 7'2" / Heavy / Extra-Fast - The X-Bites

Stock: 2


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