Why Custom Colors Matter in Fishing
Have you ever been fishing next to someone when they are getting three bites to your one?
There are many different reasons that cause fish to bite certain baits better than others and color is one of those attributes that can be the deciding factor. Aside from asking “what bait are you using?”, the second question that follows is “in what color?”.
Manufactures do a fairly good job at covering the entire spectrum when it comes to bait color choices with the average ranging from 6 – 12 options while larger brands can carry up to 40.
Even with that many selections across hundreds of bait brands, there are just too many scenarios across the nation to have the perfect color option, let alone be able to find it. That is why custom painted baits have a place in your tackle box!
Regional Tendencies
The first important factor for having custom painted lures is regional tendencies. Lure Manufacturers need to think nationally and even globally when planning out market demand for new and existing product lines, causing smaller markets to be overlooked.
It could be that a certain color just works better on a body of water or that the water clarity is unique to a geographic area. There may be a certain type of baitfish that is only seen in a small section of the country that you need to replicate. No matter what the reason, a custom option often times increases your chances of catching fish because it’s ultra-dialed in to what the fish expect to encounter in their natural habitat.
The second important factor is uniqueness. It doesn’t matter where or what species you target, fish get accustomed to seeing the same thing over and over.
Fishing in the spring is amazing for a couple reasons. One being that fish often haven’t seen artificial lures throughout the winter when fishing pressure is greatly reduced. Once late spring and summer kick into gear fish will have seen many lures wiz by them and may have even beencaught a time or two.
This is the time to start thinking custom. Using a bait that has just enough of a different look often times is the ticket to getting finicky fish to commit to your lure. It can be a different shade, combination, pattern or a mixture of all three.
Having a selection of custom lures should not be overlooked when going the extra mile to put more fish in the boat.
Omnia Fishing now offers custom colored, low quantity lures and blades to help fill out your tackle box where large manufactures overlook.